If you have read my book "The Accidental organiser" you will know by now that I do not tolerate lateness and lack of punctuality all that we.. In fact I think people who are late all the time are a real pain. there is no excuse.
So how can one ensure they are not driving others nuts with their lack or respect for time:
* Set your watch a few minutes fast.
* Give yourself more than enough time. leave home 15 minutes earlier than you think you need to.
* Pick up the phone, if you are not going to be ON TIME, call and warn the person waiting for you. even if you are only going to be 5 minutes late.
These are just short and sweet things but will make a huge difference.
For more on this read "Time keeps on Slipping" chapter in "The Accidental Organiser"
available on the website.

thanks Wendy :)i seem to fluctuate between being super early lately, and late ... usually when i am early its because i was going to do something else en route, ran out of time and went straight to my ultimate destination. its an interesting approach for me!
Good tips, Wendy. I have a punctuality problem, which usually seems to involve trying to get too many things done before I walk out the door. I have found the solution is to actually slow down in the morning, schedule out when I have to do various things (like take a shower and walk the dogs), working backward from the time I need to leave the house. The key for me is to build in padding in those time calculations.
As a professional organizer, it's particularly important for me to be on time to my client appointments--it's one of my biggest professional challenges!
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