Thursday, October 23, 2008

Are you "Accidentally Organised"?

Well this years "best" book on getting organised. Even if I may say so myself. Has been available in NZ bookstores for a little over a month now. It is quiet a buzz to see your work on display, which did happen in Wellington Airport (Thankyou Whitcoulls, Wellington Airport)
However I have had many requests from countries outside of New Zealand, so I want to give the opportunity for anyone to get hold of a copy of my book. "The Accidental Organiser". I have set up a paypal page to purchase it, all you need is a credit card. So if you are hankering to get your hands on "The Accidental Organiser" you can get it by CLICKING HERE
It works out to approx $20 USD including postage for my readers in the USA, and approx $30 AUD for my Aussie readers. 
So I am ready for your orders. Also if you do read it, I would love you to review it on your blog or website etc. I would be happy do the same for you, as it is all about sharing the love and being there for each other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy,

I just wanted to say I'm really enjoying reading this book. It's such a refreshing look at being organised.