Thursday, June 14, 2007

ME Time, yeah right!

When we think about being Organised we tend to think of physical space, clutter and being on time. Recently I have been fortunate to take part in an exercise that has made me look at being organised enough to have time to myself. Part of this is making the commitment to value myself and my time.
I have recently begun Boot Camp fitness training, with wonderful results. This would not have been possible though if I did not schedule time for me. I like many of you have a family, friends, work and life to get on with and often neglect “me time”. One of the first issues I was how to ensure I did the work I needed to achieve good results, without compromising the other people and things in my life. The things I have learnt and managed are:
* Remember that having “me” time is a necessity and not a treat.
* Learn to be a bit selfish as the results will benefit everyone
* Open your diary and schedule an appointment with yourself (I did this on day one of the challenge, and put in all gym, training and appointments for the whole 12 weeks)
* Don’t cancel appointments with yourself, unless it involves sick kids or illness. You can schedule other people and things at other times.
* If needed wake up earlier to get an extra hour.
* Give yourself at least 4 scheduled appointments a week, and use them.
* Use your “me” time wisely. Workout, walk, bike, movie, dinner with friends, read a book whatever you want.
* Lastly “me” time is NOT for washing, cleaning, errands, housework or anything else that does not nurture you.
I would love to hear about any success you have with scheduling time for your self, and remember if you have any questions about Organising e-mail me on

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